Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Universal Law of Expectation

The Universal Law of Expectation.

      The Universal Law of Expectation states that energy follows thought. Our expectations and beliefs determine our experiences. We cannot create more in our life than we can expect to create. We limit success by limiting our expectations of what we can, in fact, accomplish. The good news is that we can change our experiences by changing our expectations. As we expect increasingly positive outcomes, we thus become empowered co-creators of our reality.
     Lately I have been impressed by people who think big. They have goals that are beyond anything that I have dreamed for myself. I am impressed by their vision of what they believe they can create. I realize that over and over again, I hear successful people say, "I always knew I would ______." With this consideration, I am aware that I would do well to consider the possibility of creating bigger successes in my life as they imagined creating in theirs. In this way space is created for wonderful new energies to come in.
     Let's all spend time exploring where we are remaining small and limited in our expectations. Are we expecting too little of ourselves? Are we expecting too little from others? In the process, how are we limiting the miracles that are our divine birthright?
     The colored shapes in the Light Language Compass Grid, pictured above, carry specific healing energies specially chosen to bring us more into alignment with the Universal Law of Expectation. I invite you to spend time this week focusing on this array of sacred geometries to activate unlimited, positive potential. Allow them to bathe your mind with light energy, washing away preconceived notions of limitation, thus opening new ways of co-creating the reality you choose.    

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Universal Law of Manifestation

Being in Harmony with the Universal Law of Manifestation.

     The Universal Law of Manifestation states that we can shift our aura to hold more positive energies (love, peace, joy, etc.) by consciously directing thoughts, actions, techniques, symbols, and sounds. Through practice we become better able to maintain a feeling of love within the heart and emotional body as we maintain our focus; we thus become able to manifest change at the physical level as well. By purposefully directing the mind, we create a force as powerful as the forces of gravity and electricity. Through focused thoughts, we express the power of God. When we hold a pure thought with singularly focused attention, our thoughts manifest instantly into form so that whatever we believe instantly comes to pass. The key is to remain unattached to the thought as we focus on it alone. When we can do this for one minute and eight seconds at a time, it is more powerful than two-million hours of visualization exercises.
     The Light Language grid, pictured above, contains colors and shapes (sacred geometries) especially chosen to assist with the development of detached single-mindedness to support conscious manifestation. In our increasingly hectic world, it has become second nature to split our focus as we multi-task our way through life. We talk on the phone while checking our email and drinking coffee. Splitting our attention has become such a habit that it can be difficult to shift gears and focus on just one thing fully and completely.
     I invite you to spend time looking at this array of shapes. Focus on one shape at a time, looking only at it for as long as you can without your mind wandering to other things. When you catch your attention drifting off, shift your focus to another colored shape. Continue this process until you have directed your attention to each shape. Do not judge yourself when you notice your attention wandering; instead honor your new commitment to improving your ability to hold pure thought for Divine manifestation. Practice as often as you can and celebrate the gradual improvements you are making.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Universal Law of Service

Aligning with the Universal Law of Service.

     The Universal Law of Service focuses on our ability to set aside personal interests and focus our energies on contributing to the higher good of the collective. Our desire and ability to be of service awakens naturally as we let go of lower-self concerns and as we expand our ability to connect with higher consciousness; meditation aids the process. During meditation, the soul and the personality are united so that light floods the brain and we are guided to actions of a higher order that serve those around us. Being aligned with this Law requires deliberate effort, conscious wisdom, and the ability to work without attachment.
     Some key points about being of service:
  • It is not enough to have good intentions; you have to follow through with action.
  • Rescuing people in a way that interferes with them receiving valuable growth opportunities is not the same thing as being of service. The ego can easily fall into a trap of wanting to be the hero. We can trick ourselves into thinking that we are being of service when really we are following our lower-self need for recognition or distraction.
  • Nurture yourself enough to sustain a productive level of service to others. If you don't take care of yourself, you will deplete your energy and will be unable to serve.
  • We clear karma when we are truly of service without thinking about what's in it for us. From this place of selfless service, we become clear conduits for Spirit. We step up and are supported by higher energies working through us in ways we may not have imagined. This can only happen when we get our ego out of the way.
     The Light Language grid pictured above contains sacred geometry designed to support alignment with the Universal Law of Service. Each colored shape is made of light energy and is three-dimensional in nature. You can focus on each shape, beginning at the top and working your way around in a counter-clockwise direction, as you consider the following pairs of energies in your life in relation to Being of Service:

North:  Connection and Creating
North East:  Commitment and Discipline
East:  Love and Spirit / Earth
South East:  Details and Follow-Through
South:  Grounding and Action
South West:  Relationships and Communication
West:  Healing and Lesson / Knowledge
North West:  Intention and Decision  / Desire

     Notice the energies coming through to you as you focus on this grid of colored light. It is not necessary to understand what is happening; just acknowledge that these light energies are supporting you in becoming more aligned with your purpose to serve. Allow the colored shapes to settle into your aura so that you continue to carry the energy of service, thus activating others who come into your field to serve as well.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Universal Law of Justice

Aligning with the Universal Law of Justice.

     The Universal Law of Justice permeates and supports all of creation. The more that we can let go of egoic concerns about "right" and "wrong," the more this Law works in our favor to align energies in a way that is fair and just. Wrongs are instantly righted when we can maintain conscious union with the light and love of Source.
     Being in harmony with this Law requires the ability to trust in the divine design of the Universe. We can let go and let God because we know that all is in divine order. We know this not because we have been told but because we have experienced this divine order again and again, in all aspects of our lives.
     As we become more and more conscious of divine order in our lives and in the world, it becomes easier to let go of judgments about "right" and "wrong." Instead we effortlessly surrender our preconceived notions about how we believe things are supposed to unfold. We keep out of other people's business, focusing only on what feels appropriate for us in a given moment. In this way, we are divinely guided as we trust in an inherent ordering of energies that serve the highest good of all. We therefore do not waste time labeling things as unfair or unjust. We focus instead on light and love and in so doing, we experience increased fairness and justice at all levels.
     Earlier in my life I wasted a lot of time worrying about whether or not I was being treated fairly. I made comparisons, wondering, "Did I get as much as they got? Did they get more? Did they deserve what they got? Did I deserve what came to me?" I was asking the wrong questions. Better questions are, "How can I live my truth?" or "What is the lesson divinely orchestrated in this situation?" These questions create space for love and light to flow in. The more light and love we carry, the more we discover that wrongs are synchronously set right before injustice can even effect us.
     The Light Language sacred geometry grid, pictured above, supports alignment with the Universal Law of Justice. As you focus on the individual colored shapes, ask to let go of perceptions of injustice as you focus instead on trusting the divine order governing all people and all things. Notice the sense of serenity, ease, and grace that comes when we shift our focus in this way.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Universal Law of Right to One's Own Space

Honoring the Universal Law of Right to One's Own Space.

     The Universal Law of Right to One's Own Space supports the free will of individuals to make their own choices regarding how they live their lives. While parents are allowed to direct children as they are developing, they may not control their adult children. Every person has the right to create his/her life as he/she chooses in a way that supports his/her soul choices.
     This Law came up for me last Friday when my 18-yr. old daughter announced her plan to drive to her boyfriend's house. All of the schools were closed due to snow and icy road conditions. I advised her not to go--her car does not have 4-wheel drive and she had never driven in snow. I explained to her the tendency of the teenage brain to take risks and to assume that nothing bad will happen. But she was set on going and at that point, I knew I had to let her make her own decision. I had to honor her space.
     She skidded on ice a half-block from our house and went nose-first into a pretty deep ditch. Fortunately she was not hurt and the car escaped with only a dented bumper. What she gained, however, was a valuable lesson about using common sense--a lesson that may keep her safe in a more dangerous situation later on. If I had intervened by forcing her to stay home (how do you force an 18-yr. old to do anything?), she may have missed out on an important life lesson. We do not always know the big picture. We have to let people make their own choices, even when we perceive these choices to be mistakes.
     This Law also addresses the role of Government, mentioning that dictators have interfered with this Law throughout the ages. This is an important Law for us to keep in mind as we hold space for Egypt. The Egyptian people are fighting for the Right to Their Own Space. We can focus on the Light Language grid, pictured above, to support them in their political evolution. It is not necessary to understand the array of colored shapes; I ask that you spend a few minutes visualizing Egypt in the center of the grid as you affirm every Egyptian citizen's right to create the life they choose. Maintain your focus until you experience the sacredness that comes when we truly honor others for where they are in this given moment.
     Finally, let us also honor our own right to make life choices independent of the "shoulds" imposed by others. We can work with the three-dimensional shapes in the above grid to help us remain strong and secure in our choices so that we may better live the truth of our soul without being swayed by the physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual influences of others.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Universal Law of Perfection

Being in Harmony with the Universal Law of Perfection.

     The Universal Law of Perfection states that our process of unfolding is a perfect process. At the level of ascended consciousness in which we transcend the ego, we exist in this state of perfection. Until we reach this point, perfection does not exist. Rather, we do well to strive for excellence as we continue to focus on improving ourselves. In this way we approach perfection. We want to maintain a commitment to excellence in all we do and be. One way we can achieve excellence is by becoming more loving, giving, kind, and gentle. As we improve these energies in ourselves, we become more and more responsible for contributing to the ascension of the planet.
     Many metaphysical seekers have grasped onto the idea that we are all perfect in our ascended state. They cling to this truth, reminding themselves over and over that they are perfect. While this is true at the higher level of consciousness, what they fail to acknowledge is that they have not yet ascended. They are still in human form as is demonstrated by their physical body. And since they still have a body, they also still have an ego. The problem with continually affirming our perfection is that we run the risk of overlooking physical, emotional, and mental aspects that are calling out for improvement. If we think we're perfect as we are, we stop striving for excellence. We thus neglect our responsibility to participate actively in the unfolding of our perfection.
     The process of perfecting ourselves by striving for excellence requires more than just the understanding that our higher self is perfect. It requires time and practice. It is an active discipline of choosing to be more loving, giving, kind, and gentle in each new given moment, both with ourselves and with others. As we explore new ways to be centered in these energies, we continue to improve ourselves.
     The Light Language sacred geometry grid pictured above is made of light energy and is three-dimensional in nature. Each colored shape carries a particular vibrational frequency that has been specially chosen to adjust the energies listed below as they relate to the unfolding process of perfection. Starting at the top and moving in a clockwise direction, the individual colored shapes relate to:

Connection and Creating

Commitment and Discipline

Love and Spirit / Earth

Details and Follow-Through

Grounding and Action

Relationships and Communication

Healing and Lesson / Knowledge

Intention and Decision / Desire

     As we focus on the above light grid, let us contemplate perfection in terms of our conscious, active expression of excellence in all we do and be.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Universal Law of Ascension

Aligning with the Universal Law of Ascension.

     The Universal Law of Ascension points to the upliftment that occurs when we remember our Oneness with God. As we come to realize that the belief that we are separate is merely an illusion, we begin to lighten up. We are no longer ruled by fear. We freely share our gifts because we know they are part of an unlimited supply. As we continue to raise our vibration, our life continues to improve.
     Ascension does not mean that we leave the earth plane in order to enjoy a "better" existence. Rather, we bring our profound experience of Oneness into the everyday aspects of our life here on earth. We become a living example of magnificent human and spiritual potential. Our heightened vibration magnetizes others to us so that they, too, may become uplifted by the higher frequencies we emanate. In this way we assist with the ascension of All.
     We can strengthen our own ascension as well as the ascension of the planet by participating fully with what is going on right here, right now. We do well to be active supporters of Ascension, not escapists attempting to run away to an alternate reality as a way of avoiding the things we do not want to face. Rather than desiring to escape earth-plane reality, we do well to embrace our experiences, consciously connecting to the many lessons they offer as we then seek to share these lessons with others.
     The Light Language Sacred Geometry grid pictured above is made of light energy and is 3-dimensional in nature. Each colored shape has a particular vibrational frequency that has been specifically chosen to adjust the energies listed below as they relate to our ascension process. Starting at the top and moving in a clockwise direction, the individual colored shapes relate to:

Connection and Creating

Commitment and Discipline

Love and Spirit / Earth

Details and Follow-Through

Grounding and Action

Relationships and Communication

Healing and Lesson / Knowledge

Intention and Decision/Desire

     As you focus on the Light Language Compass Grid, contemplate ascension as you focus on how to become a more active participant in the energies of your life.